
The Global Entertainment Marketing Academy of Arts & Sciences is committed to advancing sustainability by minimizing our carbon footprint and upholding eco-friendly practices. To fulfill this commitment, we have formulated a comprehensive sustainability policy, which underscores our dedication to sustainability in two key domains:

  • Remote Headquarters: We acknowledge that our headquarters is situated in a remote environment and embrace this solution as an opportunity to reduce our environmental impact through conscientious resource management and sustainable practices.
  • Digital Awards Submissions and Judging: We conduct the submission and judging of awards submissions digitally, establishing a paperless system and contributing to a greener approach in our operations.

The Global Entertainment Marketing Academy of Arts & Sciences is resolutely committed to advancing sustainability in the global entertainment marketing industry. Our pledge to minimize our carbon footprint underscores our firm dedication to responsible environmental practices. We remain unwavering in our commitment to reducing our environmental impact and eagerly anticipate the ongoing support and engagement of our community in this crucial endeavor.